Cosmic Trip

  • Marketing Materials
You’ve been deployed on an alien planet full of hostile enemies. You must defend yourself by building and commanding an army of cosmo bots to gather resources and destroy the opposition.
Built from the ground up for VR, Cosmic Trip lets you experience real-time strategy like never before. Feel what it’s like to destroy alien enemies using futuristic weapons. Strategically build swarms of badass robots to defend yourself and gather materials.

Stunning Visuals - Nominated for best art direction at the 2016 Proto Awards and best visual design at the 2016 VR Core awards, Cosmic Trip features color-rich alien worlds and beautiful environments.

True Real-Time Strategy in VR - Cosmic Trip features a full no-compromises real-time strategy mode, built natively for VR with help from our Early Access community. Feel what it’s like to blast away enemies with your turret, listen to groovy tunes provided to you by your pal, friend bot and watch as your army of robots gather resources and destroy alien forces right in front of your face!

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Studio Games

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