Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems - In The Arena: Human Expansion

VictoryXR’s Science Curricula is the first – and only – virtual reality science curricula aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Educators can rest easy knowing that each VR experience correlates with a specific standard or substandard within the NGSS in addition to the standards for the state of Texas (TEKS) and the state of Florida (CPALMS).

VictoryXR’s 48 educational science units contain a total of 240 unique virtual reality experiences covering Earth & Space Science, Engineering, Life Science, and Physical Science.

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Studio Games

Structure & Function - Adventure Learning Inside Humans
Structure & Function - Adventure Learning Inside Humans
Energy - Purveyors Of Power And Propulsion
Energy - Purveyors Of Power And Propulsion
Anatomy & Physiology - Body Awesome
Anatomy & Physiology - Body Awesome
Ecosystems - Nature's Neighborhoods
Ecosystems - Nature's Neighborhoods
Chemical Reactions - Things That Go Boom
Chemical Reactions - Things That Go Boom
Energy - Type and Transfer
Energy - Type and Transfer
Mechanics - Mechanized Mania
Mechanics - Mechanized Mania