Trails of Gold

  • General polish of the game and the existing levels.
  • New Endless Mode bright, colorful and fun level: The Lost City of Mu. Consider a playtime of 30 minutes - players will have time to do 2 laps of the race with differences in content between the laps.

  • 10 vs 10 Players Support!
  • Spanish and German support for the Interfaces/UIs (no voiceover yet)

  • Bug fixes on the Christmas theme addon.

  • Christmas Theme - 3 Main Races can be played in the Christmas Theme. The third level (Snow/Ice) in Christmas theme is 200% in the season's flavour. It can be combined also with the Kid race. We’ve added in the same time for the Christmas theme a great cool feature: All character’s pirates hats are replaced by Christmas Cap which reacts with kind of Physic… really goofy but so Christmas. And new props and collectables to shoot at in the Christmas mood!
  • Lot of UI improvements and polish in the game. Balencing tweaks on difficulty & fun.
  • Camera offset to make sure everyone is enjoying the game if you’re small, tall. Polish & improvements on controlers for many VR headsets (from Oculus Headsets, WMR, VIVE…)
  • All Voice overs retake and we had some cool vocal talent for the English Male voice. David the Singer from the US Metal Band Orissa put his voice on the Male voices.

  • Fixing some sinking issues

  • The game entry has been revised and improved to make it easier to enter the name and select the levels
  • Team selection has been revised and simplified.
  • The player feedback (weapon shots and collections + life item effects) is improved, more fun for the player.
  • Life is automatically regenerated, no need to pump if you don’t want to.
  • The overall difficulty in the game has been changed to be more accessible for inexperienced players.
  • New Kid mode - a simplified version of the game with no team, language or weapon selection. The goal is to shoot the coins, chests, to get the highest (score/treasure).
  • Added a Halloween theme - the first of various season based themes. Many coins and chest are replaced robbed by crazy pumpkins ready to be shot at and to enjoy cool FXs. Musics are also tuned in in an Halloween mood.
  • Two new Synthesis plugins are now available to facilitate the additions.

  • You can enable/disable the in-build voice chat. Along with the update, and you have to install the new Synthesis plugin that controls the new option.
  • Minor tweaks in the team selection to make it smoother
  • Minor gameplay visual feedbacks with in boss fights
  • Minor changes in the Players cabin at start so they have plenty of space to teleport, and navigate to the frames to select a level or to enter the name.

  • Two new full small maps (Raids) around 10 minutes each full of fun, new enemies, highly visually entertaining
  • Players have new spots on the boat to move to, in the front of the boat.
  • Players, now, have two alternate ways to select their teams in the lobby
  • Second weapon has more specific Visual FXs
  • Some visual updates in the second level (Rescue of Mermaids)
  • Tweaks on level design on pacing on existing levels
  • Changes in level design in the endless map.

  • Team selection / Planting your dagger is more fun and easier than it was
  • New improved models & textures and more rewarding animations for the life collectable items
  • Overall improvements

  • Endless Mode - a new Synthesis plugin allows to quickly turn it on/off
  • Index Controllers support
  • Overall improvements

« Trails of Gold » (TOG)
Takes you on an Epic Pirate Adventure in Virtual Reality!

Play alone, or as a team and board one of the 2 ships for a limited time adventure. You can play as one team on the same boat or against another team in a second boat. Collaborate to bring back as many magnificent treasures as possible before the other buccaneers. Use your guns and the boats' cannons to neutralize other players or obstacles in the scenery. Hoist the sail to accelerate, or pump water out of your ship when it is sunk by your opponents or enemies.

Game length: between 16&20 minutes maximum cut on this format, 4 minutes maximum for the Lobby/team setup and weapon selection sequence, 10-30 seconds for the captain intro at the start of the race, 14 minutes and 30 seconds maximum for the race in the game including the players results summary screen.

Playable from 1 up to 8 players. From one player, 2, 3, (4 VS 4 ) are sessions adapted to VR arcades hardware setups. Playing together on the same boat against the second boat driven by an AI.

Required age: From 10 years old, for the whole family. TOG is for both casual and experienced players.

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