
  • Added single-player challenge mode with 3 different difficulty settings (Easy, Medium, Hard), where players can progress through a series of increasingly challenging bots. See if you can land a spot on the leaderboard!
  • All weapons and customizables are unlocked. Grab your weapons of choice, select a character, and instantly get cracking.
  • Voice chat is enabled in the main menu, allowing arcade operators to have players on different machines talk to each other to discuss weapon selection and coordinate friendly matches
  • Added arcade operator settings menu where operators can configure VOIP and clear the leaderboard
  • Added requirement for a name to be entered before every session
  • Added ability for challenge leaderboards and operator settings to be saved across sessions
  • Moved Tutorial to the main screen so that new players have immediate access to it
  • Removed access to the Ozo lounge
  • Removed dependency on our backend servers (ie: no online matchmaking, player progression, single-player campaign, missions, news, or synced leaderboards)
  • Removed ability to buy Blasts and Creds (since they're no longer needed)
  • Reworked friendly match logic and UI so that players no longer need to enter room codes

Duel players and bots to rise to the top League with your loadout assembled from collected weapons in this competitive game of endless skill and depth from Resolution Games.

In this slow-motion bullet-hell, duck, dodge, and weave to evade incoming attacks while preparing your dazzling next combos in a flash of skill. You'll feel like Neo and leave each session with your heart racing in this super fun tactical workout.

  • Duel players in real-time from around the world
  • Level-up to collect weapons of increasing depth
  • Participate in officially hosted Blaston tournaments
  • Create your own strategic weapon loadout
  • Learn new tricks, add them to your strategy & play style
  • Hang out in the Ozo Lounge - play arcade games, fist-bump to start a friendly duel, play darts & take photos to upload to Discord

Hello from the team at Resolution Games and we’re excited to have you take part in the Early Access release of Blaston for Arcades.

Over the coming weeks and months, our team will be listening to your feedback regarding our most recent release, Blaston, to help make it the best LBE experience possible.

Initially, operators will be provided with Steam keys for the retail version of Blaston. (These keys will be deactivated after the arcade build of Blaston is released)

As our team progresses in the development process, we will be transitioning away from Steam keys to use your respective platforms preferred distribution method.

To thank you for your support and participation, Blaston will be FREE during the Early Access period!

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$20per station every 1 month( x $20 = total, covers 1 month)
Blaston Cook-Out Ultimechs Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs Acron: Attack of the Squirrels!
$100per station every 1 month( x $100 = total, covers 1 month)

Studio Games

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs
Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs